I am still the same old me.
Still a total weirdo,
freak or whatever you want to call me.
So what?
Oh well, have a wild guess!
I did something extra-ordinary!
Not that it's EXTRAORDINARY,
but very-not-ordinary...
That's the extra-ordinary I am talking here!
You won't believe it anyway.
I seemed such a Good goodies,
As if I am totally harmless...
Kiss my butt!
Deep down inside,
I am a totally different person.
I am rather violent.
Mess with me,
you are going to be in Hell.
If I don't like something,
I WON'T like it.
If I hate something,
I MEAN it.
Lets' just say that I lack of thinking?
Hey, not that you can blame me.
I was underneath pressure.
Forcing me doing something I don't like,
I just hate it.
Perhaps I really should change.
There are people or more than I can ever imagine,
Have no chance of making their own decisions.
They can survive it,
Be happy about it,
And even face it with a smile...
Why can't I?
People are different,
They are meant and made,
To be DIFFERENT from the others.
Or the life will be dull and unproductive.
Well, I really should change my attitude.
It's just that I can't really help it.
That thing I don't like is right in front of me,
I can't help but react.
Not that it's my fault, okay?
Maybe it was but hey,
at least I followed my heart, own thoughts.
I wonder...seriously, just wondering,
If everyone is like me...
What will happen to this world?
Straightforward, self-centered, stubborn...
Somehow it would be a cruel world...
Life's unfair anyway.
Lets' just harden our heart and
Open your eyes to face the world.